Photon/Enet protocol and packet analysis.. possible ?

edited June 2012 in Photon Server

I was wondering if it's possible to analyse the Photon/Enet protocol in Wireshark or similar apps? At the moment we can monitor/troubleshoot based on Photon destination port etc.. but due to the binary protocol we can't see any Photon protocol specific details like Enet header details and Enet commands, result etc..

Before I waste time on writing a wireshark dissector or something for Enet/Photon protocol.. would this even be possible or is the protocol obfuscated beyond analysing on the wire?

Many thanks,


  • Kaiserludi
    Hi Florian.

    We do have a Photon protocol dissector in use internally, so yes, it is possible.

    However I don't know, if it is strictly internal or if we could give a copy to you. I will check back on that.

    The protocol is closed source and undocumented, so you would probably have some very hard time to write the dissector yourself.

    Messages will only be encrypted, if you explicitly specify them to be so, otherwise they get not obfuscated in any way.
  • ok many thanks. It's the 'closed source and undocumented' thing that prompted me to post. Normally I'd review the RFC and making the dissector would be easy but not so in this case.

    If you could please check if the dissector could be made available it would be a nice addition to our monitoring/troubleshooting arsenal and please both our dev and network teams :)

    Thanks again,
  • Tobias
    We will get in touch with you by mail.
  • duke
    Wireshark is a great tool (almost as good as Fiddler for http) - i'd really be interested in such a thing too.