concurrency in server SDK - aha!

edited June 2012 in Photon Server
Hi all, after much digging in the forum archives I see this is practically a FAQ . So consider adding to your API docs for the Server SDK:

"ExitGames.Concurrency is retlang (
with a few minor changes"

If it's in your docs, I sure didn't see it anywhere. The Features and Quickstart sections are very helpful, plus the quicktime slideshow, the Examples/ and Tests/ in the source code are very informative. It will save future users of your SDK a lot of time & headache trying to figure out how to implement Fibers and Channels in their apps. Thanks :)


  • Philip
    Thanks for the hint - you are right ...
    we are in the mids of finalizing 3.0 and started updating documentation and we'll take your suggestion in consideration.
  • mindlube
    Thanks Philip! Also would love to see the 3.0 documentation, even if it's considered Beta!
  • duke
    Do you know what the "minor changes" are? I'd rather use retlang so I can get automatic updates and such via Nuget and build on top of that.
  • Philip
    Well that part of our code has stayed untouched for a long time - it has proofed to be very stable :).

    We updated our code to the retlang version 1.0.5 release r424 from 10/14/2010 - we changed
    - the behavior of the poolfiber stopping after an unhandled exception
    - changed subscribe on Concurrency.Channels.Channel not beeing thread safe
    - made the DispatcherAdapter mono compatible
    - And probably most interesting for all of you changed the following behavior:
            public void Enqueue(Action action)
                // removed to ensure that queued actions are always executed
                ////if (this._started == ExecutionState.Stopped)
                ////    return;
                lock (this.@lock)
                    if (this.started == ExecutionState.Created)
                    if (!this.flushPending)
                        this.flushPending = true;
    There has been some discussion on these behavior change in our forum ... we don't remember the reasoning that lead us to make this change (from march 2010) -
    we have kept it for backwards compatibility.

    Of course if you prefer to use the "original" for your code you can do that - but to be honest I don't see really why as far as I can see not much happend on retlang since we updated - but its up to you.
  • duke
    The reasoning for using Retlang vs the Exitgames implementation would be so that I can use it in other places without unnecessarily referencing the ExitGamesLib with all the extra functionality.