Loading levels when not Master Client

I know, I know, it can't be done. But hear me out.

I have a game - let's call it tennis. Each player takes turns "serving", and can score points on each and every turn. First one to 11 wins the set, and we change scenes to a new stadium.

If the Master Client wins, everything works great. But if the other player in the room (and there can only ever be 2) wins, I need to change scenes immediately and can't figure out how to do it. I tried using SetMasterClient but that didn't work. I moved my LoadScene call into the area of code that gets called at the beginning of each turn. For some reason, when I check, the ActorNumber of the player is 1 (the Master Client), but when it gets to LoadScene, the player has reverted back to Player Two and I get my trusty message "trying to load a scene while not the Master Client!".

This has to be easy. I know I'm missing something obvious. Can someone give me a push in the right direction?

Thanks in advance...


  • badDad
    Here's my code:
                    Debug.Log("Master Client is: " + PhotonNetwork.MasterClient);
                    Debug.Log("Local Player is " + PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer + ". Trying to set as master client.");
                    Debug.Log("Master Client is: " + PhotonNetwork.MasterClient);         
                    Debug.Log("Trying to load a level but not master client. Oops!");

    and the debug log says (loosely, not character for character:

    Master Client is Master
    Local Player is Editor. Trying to set as master client.
    Master Client is Master
    Trying to load a level but not master client....

    I'm really at a loss...

  • badDad
    Well, this got me more than halfway there:


    "When implementing game logic, use PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient property to check if current client is a master. If you want to trigger some action from non-master client, simply send RPC to a master asking it to do an action."

    So that's what I did... the scenes are now switching no matter who wins, although there's some other weird behavior I'll have to debug later. Good night!