Synchronization Help


I'm working on a 2-player game using PUN, and can't figure this out:

I want to create 2 health bars at the top of the screen when the game starts, and then assign each health bar to a player when the player is created.

On game start, I do this:
if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("Prefabs\\HealthBar", new Vector3(-50f, -5f, 0f), Quaternion.identity);
PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("Prefabs\\HealthBar", new Vector3(50f, -5f, 0f), Quaternion.identity);

So the master client creates both of the health bars, how do I assign each bar to a player and sync the bars across the clients?
If I use OnPhotonInstantiate for the health bars, how does each client know if a bar is already assigned?
Is there a way to have a shared list of objects that both clients can see and access?
