PUN 2 Connecting to master failed on iOS

I have my game setup to use Photon PUN 2 v2.15 but it doesn't seem to connect to master server on iOS. I can connect to master servers and rooms from other platforms like the editor, windows, WebGL, and Android.

The code used for connecting to master server:
PhotonNetwork.NickName = "some nickname";

Attempting to connect to the master server on iOS is followed by OnDisconnected(DisconnectCause cause) callback where the cause is DisconnectByClientLogic. The OnConnectedToMaster() callback was never called on iOS.

The same happens on a scene with a single button used to connect to the master server and nothing else.

Using Unity's cloud build service and apple's Test Flight program.


  • Minitte
    Since I don't have a physical mac(macincloud) for ios debugging, I used an in-game console from the asset store.

    What I found was that the Photon Server Settings doesn't carry over to Unity's cloud build service so it's missing the App ID. Just need to ensure that the cloud builder has this file somehow and it should be good. :)
  • Tobias
    The settings should carry over but in the Cloud Builds, somehow Unity created another PhotonServerSettings file, which was empty.
    This got fixed in PUN 2.17. When you update, your custom solution is probably no longer needed. :)
  • Minitte
    Cloud build seem to be working properly after updating. :)
