How to solve "send buffer full" after PhotonServer connects to the client?

edited June 2020 in Photon Server
I develop a project with Photon Server, when connecting to a client, the client is disconnected and the error "INFO Photon.SocketServer.PeerBase-Disconnecting Peer = T: ClientPeer, ConnId: 6, ip: 62238: Send buffer full" occurs. This situation often occurs when or a few minutes after entering the scene.

About the project, the client is a VR program on unity3d. After entering the scene in my program, the real-time synchronized data are: player's position, rotation (hmd position); position, rotation of two hands (two VR hands), uses a
dictionary data (key is a username, value is a class containing the above data), serialized by json. Other usernames, roomnames, roles and other data are synchronized one time when a peer info changed, which are no real-time synchronization.

Does someone know how to solve this kind of problem? Thank you!

Sorry for my bad English.


  • chvetsov
    hi, @henrystriker8

    There is only two ways.

    1. Make sure that you call peer.Service method often enough. (this may not help. see second option)
    2. Send less

    that is it.

    I did not understand whether you are using PUN or not. if yes, then 1. is not the issue. But definitely issue may create stuff that you send as Json. try to use built-in photon types they are quite reach to fit to almost any case
