Do Not AutoCleaup

After the match has ended, a canvas will appear in the same scene showcasing all the player models. How can I prevent the models from vanishing when that client leaves the room on his phone? I can't seem to set AutoCleanup to false once the match is over.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Vindorable,

    Did you try RoomOptions.CleanupCacheOnLeave = false when creating rooms?
  • Vindorable
    @JohnTube , I can't do that because it causes a bug.
    Setting it to true solves that bug.

    But I found a workaround. When the match ends, I remove all photon view components from the game objects. This prevents it from vanishing when the other client leaves.

    The pic is the game end results ui display which is in the same scene as the gameplay. I simply move their position to a showcase position. Are there any negative implications on doing this workaround?