Animation stream - crossfade

Hi, i stumbled across a problem.
I added the transform and the animator under the inspector of PhotonView component for each character.
I set all the animations to continuos.
The transform works fine but the animations dont play on the network. My animator controller doesnt have animations linked i only list the states in the animator and then call CrossFade(animatorHash, delay) to play the transition to each animation.
I am wondering if I need to implement IPunObservable, OnPhotonSerializeView and how to transmit that the character is crossfading to another animation so that the other player can see the character animating.
I researched everywhere and only found some example with setBool(animation, true).
I instantiate characters via code and call cross fade from an animator manager script depending on which button the player clicks.
If anybody could help on this issue?
thanks a lot