[PUN2 Bug Report] OnOwnershipTransfered callback getting fired multiple times

Hi! Not quite sure if this is the correct place to report bugs, but I couldn't find anywhere else, so here goes!
Pretty much as the title says, here are steps to reproduce:

i.) Create a brand new Unity project (I'm using Unity 2019.1.2.f1 on Windows 10 64-bit)
ii.) Import latest PUN2 package from Asset Store (v2.18.1 30 April 2020)
iii.) Load the "PunBasics-Room for 2" scene in the editor
iii.) Create a new 3D Cube in the scene hierarchy and position it at (0,1,0)
iv.) Add a PhotonView component to the cube
v.) Add the OwnserhipBug.cs script from here - https://forum.unity.com/attachments/ownershipbug-cs.611152/ - to the cube
vi.) Add the PunBasics-Launcher, Punbasics-Room for 1, and Punbasics-Room for 2 to the build settings
vii.) Build and Run one instance, and then play another instance in the editor

Here's the behaviour I observe:
- When the scene first loads, the photonView on the cube is owned by "Scene" (as expected)
- When the master client (i.e. whichever of build or editor joined the room first) first clicks on the cube, nothing happens - i.e. the photonview is still shown as owned by "Scene" in the editor inspector, and no logs are shown from the callback (expected behaviour would be for it to be shown as now owned by that player rather the scene, and for a log message from the OnOwnershipRequest and OnOwnershipTransferred shown in the console))
- When the other client clicks on the cube, the inspector changes to show the correct new owner of the photonView, the console log shows the debug message produced by OnOwnershipRequest and two messages produced by OnOwnershipTransferred (expected behaviour would be for a single message from
- For each subsequent click by the player who doesn't currently own the cube, an additional OnOwnershipRequest message and two OnOwnershipTransferred messages are produced. (expected behaviour - one of each)

Any assistance would be gratefully received - thanks!
