Custom Player Properties only working for first person in room?

Hi, I'm trying to load in player weapons using Custom Player Properties, and for some reason they're only working for the first person in the room, or sometimes not at all. The script that sets these isn't disabled for other clients, but does an isMine check before setting them. I'm not sure what's going wrong here. Here's my code:
public void SetupWeapons()
            //Basically cramming everything into one string.
            //Should look like BODY:(body)|BARREL:(barrel)|OB:(overbarrel)|UB:(underbarrel)

            string WeaponString = "BODY:" + WeaponManager.instance.ourWeapon.body + "|" + "BARREL:" + WeaponManager.instance.ourWeapon.barrel;
            if (WeaponManager.instance.ourWeapon.overBarrel != null)
                WeaponString += "|OB:" + WeaponManager.instance.ourWeapon.overBarrel;
            if (WeaponManager.instance.ourWeapon.underBarrel != null)
                WeaponString += "|UB:" + WeaponManager.instance.ourWeapon.underBarrel;
            ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable props = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
            props.Add("Weapon 1", WeaponString);

        LoadWeapon((string)view.owner.CustomProperties["Weapon 1"]);


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