AutomaticallySyncScene with scene transition


Hi all, I have a game with scene transition animation, the LoadScene is called at the end of the animation. Using photon, AutomaticallySyncScene=true makes the no master clients to load the scene as soon as it joins room, skipping the animation. Trying AutomaticallySyncScene=false instead, I was able to load the scene after animation using a raise event from the master, nevertheless all the other events in the cache are missed since they are called in a script of the menu scene implementing the callback interface (needed for the scene loading) while I need them called in another script attached in the game scene. Is there any easy solution to this? I could think to create a local cache to pass to the in game script containing all the events but the one for the scene load or maybe I can avoid the raise event and use another kind of message (room property?) to sync the scene loading and keep all the events in the game scene as soon as a script implementing the ioneventcallback interface is found. Should I try this or am I missing something? Thank you