[Universal Photon Issue] Can't connect to any Photon-powered Game

Hello, while i was playtesting my game with friends, one of them could not connect, upon investigation, we have managed to pinpoint the issue to be related to connecting to the server itself

Connect() to 'ns.exitgames.com' (InterNetworkV6) failed: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.

He had told us that he was using a new computer, so we not only disabled his firewall and antivirus, also made firewall exceptions and tried again. The issue persisted.

Just to be sure that the issue is not isolated to my game only, we had him try Verdun (which is also powered by Photon Networking) and he could not connect to it as well, so we made him try connecting to my game with his old PC as a last resort, it could not connect.

I have both tried TCP and UDP connection types.

I am unsure of how to solve this, we have tried everything, he did not have any issues connecting to the WebGL photon games i made earlier(WebSocket Secure connection)


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Jhrino,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    Only WSS works, WSS uses a different FQDN for NameServer.
    Our NameServers are hosted by Azure.
    It looks like there is an issue to reach them from your network, maybe an IPv6 issue? did you try forcing IPv4 for your machines?
    Did you different networks or different ISPs?
    Did you try changing DNS server? maybe use or or
    Please send an email to developer@photonengine.com with a link to this forum discussion and the following details:

    - IP address(es) of machine(s) used to each Photon Cloud
    - Internet Service Provider name(s) for the network(s) you used to connect to Photon Cloud from
    - your geographical location (city)
    - traceroute / tracert to ns.exitgames.com

    More details could be gathered later.
  • Jhrino
    Google DNS fixed it, thank you so much.