How to communicate a string value from master to all clients

I'm habing some problems with a random seed of a procedural map generator in a multiplayer game.

Every time the master creates the room, a new random seed is generated. It works fine and always generates a different map.
Here's the problem: when the client enters the room, the client itself also creates a new seed. Server and client find themselves in the same room, they can see each other, kill each other and all the other stuff, but they see a different map!

I want the master to generate the random seed (which is a string) and send this string to anyone who joins the room.

here's the script for seed generation:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Photon.Pun;
using System;

namespace Com.Davidushan.KillerChess
public class ProceduralNumberGenerator
public static int currentPosition = 0;
public static string key= Convert.toString((new Random()).next(20000000,21000000),8); //base 8 random number

public static int GetNextNumber()
string currentNum = key.Substring(currentPosition++ % key.Length, 1);
return int.Parse(currentNum);

I use the variable Key in GetNextNumber(), which I call many many times from another script.

Is there a simple way to communicate that KEY value from the master (photonnetwork.ismasterclient) to all the clients, in order to let them create the exact same scenery?