PhotonNetwork.Instantiate created object is not shown on other clients.

I created player prefab using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate on joining the room.
It definitely create the player object, but it is not shown on other clients.
and it throws log of 'We have no such photonView! ...'
does anyone know how to solve this :( ?

the player object is created using the GameManager.cs code below and the GameManager has PhotonView component but not Network-instantiated. it's scene property.

PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("Player", new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), Quaternion.identity, 0);


  • Federico123
    Have you put photon view on the player prefab?
  • FlippingFlop
    Yes it has PhotonView component
  • FlippingFlop
    I solved it.
    There was a SceneManagement.LoadScene function within OnJoinedRoom method so non-master client has changed it's scene.
    I thought it would be alright cuz all clients has to load same 'WaitingScene' at joining the room.
    but no other client than masterclient should be able to load any scene.
    what a stupid mistake XD