PUN2 with Unity 2020.1.0b2.3333 - Photon Animator View not working

Good evening,

I have been ramming my head against the wall for some considerable time now, having watched a whole plethora of tutorial videos that seem to work so far as Photon Animator View with Unity, however I have had no success.

I am utilising the Unity Animator to create a 2D sprite animation for a character which works locally, moves on other clients, but does not have the animation working on any other clients. So far, it is almost as though I have not got a Photon Animator View even attached to the object (I have checked at runtime and the prefab retains the parameters displayed in the image below).

I attach the following to show the set up which I have in regards to the Character GameObject, which has the working Photon Transform View, but not the Photon Animator View.

Link to Image

One consideration I have had is that using Unity 2020.1 may be a version too far in advance of PUN2, although I have yet to find many posts regarding PUN2 with Unity 2020.

I look forwards to hearing any solutions and can provide any information as requested.

Many thanks!