Some RPC methods are called, but others aren't

I have two scripts I want to focus on: "GameMaster.cs" and "Player.cs". The test() method works (as "player" is able to update its own syncVar variable based on what the "gamemaster" sends), but the method syncID() doesn't work.


private int syncVariable = 0;
private PhotonView PV;

 private void Start()
        PV = GetComponent<PhotonView>(); //create inital PhotonView object to reference later
void Update()
        this.photonView.RPC("syncID", RpcTarget.All, this.gameObject.GetComponent<PhotonView>().ViewID);
        PV.RPC("RPCFunction", RpcTarget.AllBuffered, syncVariable)
        syncVariable += 1;


    void test(float syncVar)
        Debug.LogError("SyncVar changed! " + syncVariable);

    void syncID(int ID)
        print("Changed colours");


 void test(float syncVar)
        SyncVariable = syncVar;
        Debug.LogError("SyncVar changed! " + SyncVariable);

    public void syncID(int ID)
        print("added colour " + ID);

       //do other stuff like setting a child, etc.


  • Anomalix
    EDIT: I put the wrong RPC method call. It is intended to be
    PV.RPC("test", RpcTarget.AllBuffered, syncVariable)