Why can't I access a Unity UI Button from RPC Call?

Hi all,
I'm trying to access a button in a remote players Canvas.
I walk close enough to player.
I click "Invite".
On their screen they see a "Join" button pop up.
They press "Join".
Something happens etc...
I'm able to successfully call the RPC on the specific player I'm inviting here:
public void OnInviteButtonPress()
        if(remotePlayerID != -1)
            photonView.RPC("InvitePlayerToPartyChannel", PhotonPlayer.Find(remotePlayerID), GetComponent<AgoraVideoChat>().GetRemoteChannel());

However, that RPC seems to properly work on everything except for my button, in this code here:
    public void InvitePlayerToPartyChannel(string channelName)
        remoteInviteChannelName = channelName;
        print("I've been invited to join channel: " + remoteInviteChannelName);

I'm able to see the correct channelName passed and the print statement, but no changes on either client specifically regarding the button.

The button is a child of Canvas, which is a child of Charprefab, where the script/PhotonView is located.

I'm new to Unity Photon/Networking, any help is appreciated, thanks!