Photon not allow move player after rejoin.

I'm detecting connection lost with ACK time check. And disconnecting time diff is fairly enough. After player has internet trying to connect with ReconnectAndRejoin. Photon destroy entities when I disconnect and create after reconnect but don't let me to move player . I checked if local player still controlling by me using photonView.IsMine and result is true.
Photon resetting my player position to instantiated position. All photon features working even rpgs. Is it about PhotonNetwork.AuthValues? If yes, then how can I set those correctly?


  • L3sc
    Any help is appreciated.
  • L3sc
    edited April 2020
    I totally messed up. I apologize. It's about my game setup. Somewhere I clamp transform value and related min-max values assigned on first initialization. So problem has solved.