Is it possible to find someone in the network with custom auth value ?

Like said in the title I would like to know if we can find a certain player on the whole network with a custom auth value.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Laitherha,

    What do you mean by "custom auth value"?

    You could use UserIDs to FindFriends.
  • Laitherha
    Hi I mean, I make a Playfab integration and I add the PlayfabId to the AuthPärameter to be able to see it across the Network easily and like that I have an ID that never change. But I don't find how to find someone in the Network with a AuthParameter or thing like that.
  • Laitherha
    edited April 2020
    Ok I have read the link you gave, I think that would work. I will test in during the day if I can, and give a feedback soon. Thanks you ^^
  • Laitherha
    edited April 2020
    Welcome back ! Hum... That seems to work thank you, but I have an issue with it. Unity send this message :

    Operation failed: OperationResponse 222: ReturnCode: -2


    FindFriends failed to apply the result, as a required value wasn't provided or the friend list length differed from result.

    I looked on other thread, but for the first one I didn't found solutions, and for the second one I saw that's maybe because I'm asking for PhotonNetwork.FindFriends too much time, but I made a timer of 1 minute between each request and I have the same issue. Does someone have an idea please ? Thanks for your answers.
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Laitherha,

    I think you are maybe trying to call FindFriends while joined to a room.
    This does not work.

    You can only call FindFriends while outside rooms, in lobby or on master server.
  • Laitherha
    edited April 2020
    Thanks for your answer. So yes I'm doing it. When my player join the server he's automatically joining a room (where he is alone), that used as a Hub, where you can invite or join friend before joining match. and I would like to keep it like that, there is another way to find someone in every existant room to see if he is connected, and information of the room he his in ? Or should I change how I'm doing it ?
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Hi @Laitherha,

    You could use Photon Chat (OnlineStatus) for this.
    or you could rethink the hub thing.
  • Laitherha
    Ok thanks again for your quick answer, but is it possible to have PUN room's informations with Photon Chat ?