Some Photon cloud servers don't work!

A few Photon Cloud servers have not been working since this week. Especially in Europe. The players can enter the lobby, but then there is not even a listing of the current rooms.

Other zones mostly work, which is why I assume that it is not due to PUN 2.1.5 Lib Do you fix the server problem?


  • Now I have fixed the problem by myself.

    I log into the lobby by using
    instead of
  • Tobias
    We had a few issues with attacks. While there are countermeasures in place, those may still affect some users. Everything should be back to normal.

    You should not connect to a master directly anymore. The method is there mainly for the case when you run the servers. In the Photon Cloud, we use the Name Server to distribute users to regions and or clusters. It's way more versatile.
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