
I did this script and it works fine but there is a problem, when I enter room it works fine and countdown works, but when someone else enters the room it counts down again, I want when a player enters, the camera is placed on the player who was already in the room.
sorry for my english

   private Text TimeUIText;
    private float timeToStartRace = 5.0f;
    private void Awake()
        TimeUIText = DeathMatchGameController.instance.TimeUIText;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
            if (timeToStartRace >= 0.0f)
                timeToStartRace -= Time.deltaTime;
                photonView.RPC("SetTime", RpcTarget.AllBuffered, timeToStartRace);
            else if (timeToStartRace < 0.0f)
                photonView.RPC("StartTheRace", RpcTarget.AllBuffered);
    public void SetTime(float time)
        if (time > 0.0f)
            TimeUIText.text = time.ToString("F0");
            //The countdown is over
            TimeUIText.text = "";
    public void StartTheRace()
        GetComponent<CarUserControl>().enabled = true;
        this.enabled = false;