Random player drops


we experience issues with our game running on PUN.

It only happens for some players, but they get often disconnected from the game. When playing those players, Sometimes they suddenly start to lag badly a couple seconds before disconnecting, sometimes it just happens "out of the blue" with no visible connection issues.

I attempted to reproduce this by letting 2 instances run on my computer and disablying my network adapter. I'm getting instant disconnects, in my opinion the game should automatically reconnect once I enable my adapter again after some seconds.

I find attempts to fix this very challenging.
are being called. I read that the RoomOptions.PlayerTTL setting should keep the connection open longer, however this isnt the case for my test case described above.

Any suggestions what I can do? This is really hurting my game...


  • Tobias
    You should be able to use ReconnectAndRejoin() when the connection dropped.
    Did you read the Analyzing Disconnects guide?

    Reconnecting automatically is problematic, as the workflow won't work for all games alike. We might look into this.

    Are you using the latest PUN version? Is it a specific platform? How good is the ping for those players?
    You should try to fetch log data from clients who run into this.