Networked Player Prefab with NonNetwork UI and Buttons

Hello everyone,
I've undergoing my first endeavor for a multiplayer game and have been following the PUN Basics tutorial. On step 8, it says its a requirement to have the Player as a prefab. The problem that I now foresee in my implementation is that I had a Canvas with lots of buttons on the Player prefab that will now be unlinked. Even if I move all the panels to the GameManager, I feel like I will have the issue where I'll only have one instance of the button/UI that both players have to use (the other player does not see your UI).
Would each button need a photonView.IsMine check?
Would I need to search for the IsMe player object somehow so that the button press can fire lasers from that game object?

e.g. Kyle the robot player prefab in a mobile app. To fire eye lasers, you have UI where you click a button and it pops up an attack panel to fire your eye lasers or your fire breath. The other player has the same UI but doesn't need to see yours

Can anyone help me out of the hole?


  • Tobias
    UI is local and not at all synchronized. So none of that needs a PhotonView.
    You need to locally show the UI that's needed, then find the objects which it relates to. Those may be networked.