Just a simple favor to Create a voice chat function in Unity


Could anyone be so kind to help me to create some basic communication using PhotonVoice in Unity?
The idea is, when a player is pressing "R" button, they will be allowed to talk and the other can hear their voices.

I have been looking at the "Demo VoicePun-scene" from the PhotonVoice chat asset.
I know that it is recording (from the audio level), But i cannot hear myself talking in another instance.

I have as well follow this https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/voice/current/getting-started/voice-for-pun
but still no luck.

Can anyone please point me on how to do it.?

Thank you very much for your time.


  • Akravator
    Nevermind, I found the problem,

    For anyone that is wondering the same thing., there is no "Speaker" being added on the "PhotonVoiceNetwork" component.

    Therefore there is no sound being played.