Issue with Photon in Production Environment [ Urgent Support Required]

Appversion before the issue in photonserversetting was 0.82. It was changed to 1.0 in unity and match making issue got resolved.

This was working in product for the first 3 days.

Account associated with this app is and its name is MPL Production with license for 2000 CCU

Log of using 0.82:

1. Connection with naming server - successful.
2. Connection with master server - successful.
3. OnphotonJoinedroom - failed.
4. But oncreatedroom not called.

We are using photon method for match making which is joinorcreateroom().

Why would photon version have an impact? Can you confirm that photon version was the root cause for the issue?

This has resulted in a downtime of over 24 hours and counting for our users. We can't risk sending an update without being 100% sure that the app version was the root cause here.

Can we please get this resolved as to what is the issue. We don't want to send an update out


  • Markus
    Issue with how lobbies are used - solved via support.