Lack of communication in part 7 of the Getting Started documentation.

In part 7 of the Getting Started walk through you are told at one point that by using something like
if (photonView.IsMine == false && PhotonNetwork.IsConnected == true)
you will be able to use the same script for quickly testing inside an empty scene. (In this case, press the play button and test the controls without being connected to Photon)
However, later in this section, you surround the
call with
if (photonView.IsMine)

This then prevents the user from running the engine and testing that the input still works because
is never going to be called since in the test scene you are not connecting to Photon.
Fortunately my brain was wired up and ticking just right this morning so that I only ended up spending maybe 5 minutes trying to figure out what was going on before I found the issue. I ended up changing the statement to
if (photonView.IsMine || PhotonNetwork.IsConnected == false)
which works as intended, using the same philosophy as the tutorial used earlier.

There should definitely be a section that at least lets the user know that when wrapping the ProcessInputs() function in that if statement, they willl no longer be able to run tests without being connected toPhoton for that reason.