Cannot load clients asynchronously into scene among other issues

So whenever I try to load all the clients in a room to another scene (The game scene), the client on the unity editor always loads first and then the build clients take much longer to load into the game scene. It is taking a very long time for the clients running the build to load the scene. The scene is a very small 2d level with a single platform, so it should not take long to load. Also, during the game scene, the gameplay seems to be laggy during certain actions and animations. This all started when I replaced the player prefab from the resources folder with a more complex prefab that had more scripts and animations. Although, this problem does not persist in between scenes because the lag and wait time to load the scene gets a lot better after the clients leave the room and re-join in another room. Does anybody know what this issue could be? I have no idea so I'm not sure what code is relevant to this issue. Any help is appreciated, Thanks!


  • S_Oliver
    I dont think thats a Photon related problem.
    Are you using PhotonNetwork.LoadScene ? which is under the hood asynchronously.
    Or do you got any custom loading code ?
  • Im using PhotonNetwork.LoadScene
  • S_Oliver
    Ok so this shouldn't be a problem. Since PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel using SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync.