Photon Player Limit

Hello everybody,

first of all i want to say that i already read a lot about how the Player Limit with Pun is limited by the 500 msg per room Limit and that every Client be only in one room.
However there are these Games called Verdun and Tannenberg which both run on photoncloud and both offer 64 player matches. Its driving me crazy because i cant find out how they did that. One of the Developer posted this article about how they lowered the amount of messages sent with network culling.
He also writes that after that, the game still had 1000 mgs per second with only 32 players per match (before that it had 2000, is that ok??). Last year they increased the players per match to 64 which creates significantly more traffic. Short after that they listed a job offerung for a developer on these 2 games which explicitly requiered experince with photon cloud.
How can they have such big matches. Is it possible by having more than 500 msg per room by paying more?? He clearly stated in the article that they were over the limit.
With the 64 player update they also introduced bots. Are they using photon quantum which can use Unity Nav Mesh.
Or are they using Photon Premium/Enterprise Cloud? Theres no mention about a message Limit on these plans on your website. I would appreciate it if your website would be more clear about what plan can handle what.




  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @hansi924,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    The solution made by M2H is based on Interest Groups.
    The blog post is quite old and there used to be a generic solution built w/ it.

    There is now a similar Network Culling UtilityScript in PUN package.
    You can find information about Interest Groups here.

    This should be possible for the public cloud.

    We can't disclose information about our customers.
    What we can say is that Mike Hergaarden is a dear friend of ours and he participated in the development of the first versions of PUN Classic.
  • Markus
    Regarding msg/s

    - we do not have a hard cap on 500 msg/s per room, so you can go over a bit
    - when going over the limit
    (i) pay extra close attention to your used traffic (and check traffic overage cost)
    (ii) make sure your clients can cope with the amount of messages (especially mobile clients might get issues here)

    As long, as your higher msg/s rate does not have a negative effect on other apps or consumes too many resources (server CPU, mem., I/O), we are ok with it. If we think your app has a negative effect on others because of increased msg/s, we will ask you to adjust it.