Freezing and disconnect issues


We made a realtime quiz game that has different rounds using photon. The game is simple ,each player starts with a pool of seconds and has to answer questions and gets seconds as reward, some rounds even have their pool of seconds countdown every second.

The game has been released for a while but we are experiencing some freezes on several (mostly HUAWEI) devices.
When players join a lobby and the lobby gets full (3 players in total) the game counts down and then starts. Right after the countdown the master spawns al network objects needed these are:

- 3 network player objects, object used to send the state of each player, state is a enum (byte) that is send via OnPhotonSerializeView
- 3 NetworkSeconds objects, containing the time of each player, these are scene objects controlled by the master, seconds (float) are being send in OnPhotonSerializeView

I was wondering if the amount of objects we spawn at the same time could cause these freezes? The game hangs and people have to force close it. In our crash reports we do not see anything related to instantiating or anything else that happens at that time.

Users are also telling us they have frequent disconnects (ClientTimeout and ServerTimeout) during the game, but besides the state and seconds we hardly send anything, only RPCS are used to change the state of the game.

Thx in advance for the help
