Rummikub Game - How do I drop stones to slots? Other players don't see dropped stone.


I'm making multiplayer rummikub game but I stucked on event sending. I did the player stations. When the players join to room, names showing properly at stations. But i can't handle the stone drop.

I'm dropping a stone but the other players don't see the dropped stone.

I'm thinking I need the send event the all players but I can't do that and unfortunately there is not example for this. Do you know what I need to do?


  • M4TT
    edited December 2019
    This is a basic feature implemented on photon, there is many many exemple to instantiate a gameobject accros photon
    Basically you need to use PhotonNetwork.Instantiate()
    PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("prefabName", position, rotation);
    Make sure the prefab is inside your Resources folder
    Edit: also make sure there is a photon view attached to your prefab which is observing the transform of the game object;)