Hololens Build not connecting to ns.exitgames.com


So I have been following a tutorial on Microsoft's website trying to set up a shared experience through Photon. I am currently stuck at the end of lesson 3 because the Hololens cannot resolve the host:

This picture is from the emulator, but it is the same when running on the device. Running the application from the Unity Editor works fine. What am I missing?

I also tried this solution, but it didn't work: https://forum.photonengine.com/discussion/12249/could-not-resolve-host-ns-exitgames-com-on-hololens

Unity version: 2018.4.13f1

Pun: 2.16 Photon lib:

MRTK version: 2.1.0

Tutorial website: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/mrlearning-sharing(photon)-ch3


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @b128,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    I think maybe your network does not have access to Photon's servers.

    You need to enable this via firewall or contact your network administrator.

  • b128
    Hey @JohnTube,
    I have access to my network's firewall and I have added these ports to the forwarding list (probably excessive, but pulling at strings here):
    - 843, 4530, 4531, and 4533 TCP
    - 5055, 5056, 5058 UDP

    A question about configuration... For my PhotonServerSettings.asset, I currently have the following:
    App ID is inserted.
    Use Name Server: Enabled
    Server: *blank*
    Port: 0
    Protocol: Udp

    Should this be identical for both the host and server?

    Thanks for your help
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @b128,
    Should this be identical for both the host and server?
    Yes it should be identical on all clients.
    Not sure what you mean by "host" and "server".
    There is no "host" in PUN.
    And the server is a dedicated server you connect to.
  • b128

    Ah okay, sorry, by that I meant the one that automatically starts a room and the other that joins said room.

    Still getting the same error on the hololens device and simulator though. The Unity Editor logs that it has created a new room, but that’s been the case even before opening those ports...

  • b128
    Seems like it is working now for a local server at the moment, might try cloud to see if it works there too. I don't think I did much other than start a new unity build in a different directory for fresh files.