interactable buttons - Help

Hi, i made some buttons that work very good on client side, but as soon as another player joins the server side kicks in and it doesn't work anymore. Iam trying to send a ray from the player if they left-click and when they do i save if that ray hits anything. If it hits something with the tag "button" i want that button to its thing. I thinking long term if i want to implement more buttons i can't have a switch case for every button in the game right?

Any answer is appreciated

Picture of the code.


  • John666
    I'm having the same problem! Looking at the Unity interface, I can see the button immediately switch to interactable=false the moment the client loads the game. I'm going to continue looking for a solution but I'm wondering if this is a photon thing at this point.
  • John666
    Just to confirm, I've set breakpoints on all lines of code that in any way affect the 'enable' or 'interactable' properties of the buttons in question and they all become interactable==false once a client joins, though none of the related lines of my code have been run.