Coroutine fire after network object destroyed by PhotonNetwork.DestroyAll

Here's my setup:

- I start a coroutine on my Whale object, which is a network object that is PhotonNetwork instantiated during gameplay, and the coroutine has a reference to the Whale's animator, which is checks every frame
- When the level ending is triggered, I call PhotonNetwork.DestroyAll and PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel
- Sometimes, I get a null ref error saying the animator in the Whale's coroutine is missing

If I put a print statement on the the whale's OnDestroy, when I get this error, the Whale's destroy callback has always fired prior to the coroutine's null ref error. I could add a null ref check in the coroutine, but I have this issue on several network objects with coroutines that happens when I exit a level and would rather not go around putting a bunch of checks in coroutines that I thought were supposed to end nicely when their game objects were destroyed.