Any fully working example for the Windows Phone (XNA) ?

edited March 2012 in DotNet
Hey people,

I'm remaking a game for the WindowsPhone in XNA/Silverlight (Silverlight only for the menu's). This game is allready done for the iOS in Unity which uses Photon libraries to do the multiplayer stuff.

I want the WindowsPhone game to be able to play against iOS users. For this I guess I have to use the Photon libraries for the Windows Phone (XNA) aswell.

I did the HelloWorld part 1 and 2 example at this site:

I got it working for a C# console application. But when I use the code (explained in these tutorials) for a Windows Phone project it is unable to connect to the local server. It allways outputs an ExceptionOnConnect and then disconnects.

Is there any fully working example project for the Windows Phone that I can run in Visual Studio and get my logics and code from? I have tried for a few days now and can't get the libraries and examples working on the WindowsPhone (XNA). I feel like there isn't enough documentation for Photon on the WindowsPhone (XNA) and most of the tutorials online are focussed on Unity.
Also, is it even possible to enable multiplayer between Unity and XNA?

Help would be very much appreciated!


  • Tobias
    Most likely, the connection issues in your WP project are due to the fact that the simulator is its own "machine". It runs on your PC but in fact has it's own "localhost" within that, meaning that does not work as server address.
    Find our your machine's IP and use that in the connection.

    Photon is completely cross platform, so Unity and WP and XNA clients could all play together.
    Check out the Photon v3 Client SDK for Windows Phone. It should include a Silverlight based demo that does all. Except having your machine's IP, that is.
  • Thank you for the quick reply!

    With 'machine' you mean the IP adress of te WP emulator? Might you know an easy way to acces this number?
  • Tobias
    With machine I mean your PC. The simulated WindowsPhone does not run the server but if you use "localhost" on it, it will try to connect to itself.
    You can look up the IPs that Photon uses by opening its logs (PhotonControl, "Open Logs") and look out for "UDP Listener on: ".
  • Wow thank you Tobias!!

    After changing the adress it finally found connection... everything seems to be working now. Thank you A LOT :D