Sometimes PUN won't allow players to join room even though the limit is not reached.


I have a bingo game where I allow up to 40 players in a room. And I've seen that PUN supports that much players. Since my game has limited messaging (it's bingo), 40 players really isn't a lot.

But sometimes when someone creates a room with 40 people limit, the room allows only 10-12 players.

It occurs rarely, but it happens, and I really don't know how to begin to debug it.

I will implement a crash report system in my game, but I'd also want to know if there is some general knowledge around this problem?
Like for an example, maybe if the Host's internet connection is slow, PUN won't allow people to join to overload the host?
Or maybe there is a way provided by photon to log those problems?

Thank you for your time,


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Kokolo,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    What PUN version are you using?
    What limit are you referring to?
    Also, 40 players per room is too many. Read here.
    And in PUN there is no host, all players connect to a relay server. There is no peer-to-peer connection. Maybe you are confusing host and Master Client? Read here.

    Could you share the error logs you see?
    You could use SupportLogger component.
    You could implement room join error callbacks.
  • Markus
    Depending on your implementation and send rate, you should be ok with 40 players.
    I suggest to test this and check your msg/s.