onGetRoomListResponse always returns an empty room list


I'm quite new to photon runtime native sdk but there is something that I don't understand.
Here is what I do :

1) Connect without auto join a lobby (P1, P2, P3)
2) Join a Lobby with DirectMode::SQL_LOBBY and name Test (P1, P2, P3)
3) P1 Create a room (Lobby Type : SQL_LOBBY, custom room properties : C0 = 0)
4) P2 Create a room (Lobby Type : SQL_LOBBY, custom room properties : C0 = 1)
5) P3 uses opGetRoomList(L"Test", L"C0 = 0")
6) P3 receives an empty room list in onGetRoomListResponse
I expect to have only one result, but instead I got no result

Can someone help me to figure what step did I miss or not understand



  • benjaml
    Here is how I create the room
    ExitGames::Common::Hashtable rools;
    rools.put("C0", 0);
    loadBalancingClient.opCreateRoom(L"", ExitGames::LoadBalancing::RoomOptions()
    	.setPlayerTtl(INT_MAX / 2)
  • Kaiserludi
    Hi @benjaml.

    You create the room in a lobby with an empty string as lobbyName as you don't set any lobby name on room creation.

    Then you request the room list for a lobby with name "Test".

    The behavior is as expected:
    There are no rooms in Lobby "Test", so that the list of rooms in that lobby that match your filter is empty.

    Simply add a call setLobbyName(L"Test") on room creation and it should work as intended.
  • benjaml
    Thanks, as expected I was very close but missed something