
I have a matchmaking solution based on "Example Use Case: Teams Matchmaking" in https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/pun/current/lobby-and-matchmaking/matchmaking-and-lobby. Basically, players in a "social" room stand on a "teleport pad" and when the pad countdown hits zero, if there are two or more players on the pad, they get sent to a new room where they can play a mini-game together (one leading player does JoinOrCreateRoom, the other players call FindFriends with the leader's UserID until the room is created). This is OK for mini-games since players are doing other "social" things in the current room until some of them decide to play a game together.

I now need a solution that will support bigger games like 5v5 battleground rooms. This means I need things like:

- Match players across ALL social rooms who are waiting to play a 5v5 match, to reduce wait times. The teleport pad to join the game could be in different Unity scenes or in different instances of a scene in multiple Photon Rooms, etc.
- Provide a good way for players to wait for a new game to start. I may change the teleport pad to something that allows the player to join/leave a queue while waiting, so they can do something else while they wait.

Is this done by using a Lobby? Would players have to actually GO to some "lobby scene" to wait where they literally just wait until the game is ready? I'd rather have a solution like World Of Warcraft to join a battleground (you just continue doing things until you get the "Join Battleground" popup - rather than some Xbox Live Halo Deathmatch screen where you watch player names get added until there are enough to play.

Thanks for any advice!