Maybe a bug from the latest version Photon voice2 ??

Hi @JohnTube

It seems that the photon voice custom settings in version 2.9 cannot be set and used ,the configuration values(Server port and protocol) will be synced from photonVerserSettings when running app.


  • harlan
    and seems that the voice cannot be transferred successfully using v2.9 , v2.8 is OK.
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @harlan,

    You are reporting two possible issues.

    the configuration values(Server port and protocol) will be synced from photonVerserSettings when running app

    This is expected if you enable "Use PUN's App Settings" from PhotonVoiceNetwork.

    seems that the voice cannot be transferred successfully
    What do you mean by "transferred"?

    For each issue:

    What is the expected behaviour and current behaviour?
    How can we reproduce using minimal repro steps?
  • harlan
    Hi @JohnTube

    I don't enable "User PUN's App Settings",but the custom configuration values are synced from PUN's app settings when our app starts.

    What do you mean by "transferred"?

    What I mean is that the voice data cannot be transferred to photon server, and the same settings, v2.8 is OK.I just do a simple try for v2.9 and then roll back to v2.8.I don't sure if it's our settings' error or others .
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Hi @harlan,

    Sorry about the inconvenience:

    replace line 322 in "Assets\Photon\PhotonVoice\Code\PUN\PhotonVoiceNetwork.cs"

    if (!this.ConnectUsingSettings(PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings))
                        AppSettings settings = this.Settings;
                        if (this.usePunAppSettings)
                            settings = PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings;
                        if (!this.ConnectUsingSettings(settings))
  • harlan
    @JohnTube ,thanks very much.