Sending joystick inputs

I'm sending joystick inputs using OnPhotonSerializeView(). I'm using a bit mask for the inputs so each send is a single integer. I'd like to run this at 30hz and have set PhotonNetwork.SendRate = 30; and PhotonNetwork.SerializationRate = 30;

The stream.IsWriting calls run like clockwork every .033 seconds. The stream reads calls in OnPhotonSerializeView() on the receiving end however are being batched together. I'm basically getting 5 aggregated batches per second. I get the first read after a .2 second delay from the last batch, then the rest of the reads in the batch follow after at .001 seconds each. So i'm basically getting a .2 second lag followed by a quick blast of the batched reads. This makes for a gittery mess of the controls that are looking for things like how long a button has been held down. I can run a timer to space out the batch reads that are happening to fast, but that's just adding more lag.

Is there a way to stop the batching? Is there a better way I can do any or all of this? I hoped by only sending a single integer per write i could get away with a higher send/receive rate. But, between the batching and my correction timer i'm seeing lag of up to a .35 seconds on the input.