Problem Calling RPCs


I'm developing a small cooperative multiplayer game, where the players have to kill all the enemies hordes. I still don't know if I'm doing everything right because my only experience with PUN is a FPS multiplayer with only one object (the player).

I created a general script called HealthSystem that recieves the damage from something. It's general because I use this for both the player and the enemies, each one with their own lives. I created a public function called LoseHealth that recieves the amout of damage from the outside: Enemies from the player's bullet and the Player from the robot missle and the minion attack. I know that LoseHealth have to be a PunRPC, but I don't know how to call it from the others scripts, I'm just recieving a NullReference error.

Here is my codes:
public void CallLoseHealth(float _damage){
this.photonView.RPC("LoseHealth", RpcTarget.All, _damage);

public void LoseHealth(float damage) {
Debug.Log( = " lost health");
healthCounter -= damage;

Minion Attack
void Update()
float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.position);

if(distance <= lookRadius){

if(distance <= agent.stoppingDistance){
this.photonView.RPC("FaceTarget", RpcTarget.All);
this.photonView.RPC("Attack", RpcTarget.All);

void Attack(){

Projectile (also general)
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) {

if(other.gameObject.GetComponent() != null) {


Both the Player and the Enemies have the PhotonView component, and any others updates (transform, shooting function) are working fine. What's happening?

Thank you!