Can't instantiate with CustomProperties


First time using Photon, I have already make an online playable version of my game, and now I want to improve menu and game mode and all that stuff! So I can choose a team side, Team A, or Team B, when I instantiate my player (the Master) there is no problem, all is setting good, but for the next player, nothing is working! I can see I have access to CustomProperties, and when the other player is instantiate, everything is good EXCEPT the custom properties is always set AFTER my other player is instantiate!

here is the fonction call at the "Start" of the prefab player :
public void InitTeam()
            eTeam team      = eTeam.None ;
            if (GetPhotonView().IsMine)     team      = (eTeam) PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties[SDMOGameSettings.PLAYER_TEAM];
                foreach (var p in PhotonNetwork.PlayerList)
                    if (p.UserId == GetPhotonView().Owner.UserId)
                        team = (eTeam) p.CustomProperties[SDMOGameSettings.PLAYER_TEAM];


            Debug.Log("Team init : " + team);
            m_Team          = team;
            m_SpawnPoint    = eSpawnPoint.A;


and here is the way I instantiate players :
private void SpawnPlayer()
            var spawnManager = SDMOGameplay.SpawnManager.GetInstance();
            if (spawnManager == null) return;

            //var spawnPoint  = spawnManager.GetAvailableSpawnPoint((int) PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties[SDMOGameplay.SDMOGameSettings.PLAYER_TEAM], (int) SDMOGameplay.eSpawnPoint.A) ;

            var player      = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("PlayerNew",, Quaternion.identity, 0);
            m_MyPlayer      = player.GetComponent<SDMOGameplay.Player>();


            Hashtable props = new Hashtable
                {SDMOGameplay.SDMOGameSettings.PLAYER_INSTANTIATE, true}
I'm on this problem since a week, so came here for some help! Thx