Finding a random room

so we are doing a very small test now on PUN and i find that even though a room has been created, my client sometimes has problems finding the room. after a few retries (exit the app and come in again) then it may work. I was wondering why this is so when clearly there's only 1 room available to connect to?

for reference, this is my script
PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom(new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable() { { "start", false } }, maxPlayersPerRoom);

i am using start = false so that you won't be able to join a room that was already started


  • shulinnn
    Why dont u use room.IsOpen = false
    when the game has started so u dont have to use Hashtables?

    To your problem could u post some snippets so anyone could help u ?