RPCs when and where can be used

EDITED : CONFIRMED : RPCs are only sent within rooms, however, my end of post question still stands. Is there a way to communicate between clients outside of a room then?

Hi guys, the newb is back. I been doing a lot of figuring stuffs out here, but i'm stuck on something that i THINK is maybe "just the way it is".

So, when joining the cloud, and NOT in a room, i have two clients set up, and i notice that any RPC i try to send just does nothing. Is this the case, where RPCs will ONLY work inside of a room?

I have no problem sending receiving my rpcs in a room, so i'm thinking this is just how it is? If so, thats ok, but i am curious, is there any way to communicate between clients outside of a room? I tried from within a Lobby too, but that didnt work either.


  • Will_C
    SOLVED ; Mods can delete this useless thread if they like :smile:
