How expensive is data streaming?

Hi guys, I am getting a bit of jittering with my VR player's networked movement. The scene is pretty much empty, local VR player has silky smooth movement, but for another client my VR player is lagging. So I thought maybe my streaming data is too excessive?

My hierarchy of the player looks like this:
Root Player: has photon view but no observable components
HandControllers: have a photonview each, observing PhotonTransformView
HandModels: have a photonview each, observing PhotonTransformView and PhotonRigidbodyView
Head: has a photonview, observing PhotonTransformView

So my question is whether this setup of my VR player is too much and it's normal that lagging exists with such configuration? Or is it possible, that when lerping happens on both handcontrollers and handmodels, jittering appears and that's not lag, but a bug?

clue 1: the lag looks as if playing a game that is too much for your computer. Like there is no jumping from place to place like in internet lag, but constant low frame rate.

clue 2: I also have a PC player in my scene, whose movements and jumping is silky smooth. It only has 1 photonview

clue 3: I am also using photon voice, not sure how much that should increase latency.

Any help would be appreciated!