What's the proper way to observe an object by two players. Do i need a photonview?

I'm newbie to networking and i'm also a beginner programmer. I have some experience with C# and unity. I read and watched a lot about PUN, but I'm still confused about how things work anyway...
I just want to make simplest multiplayer tic tac toe like game. I've got two players connected to the game. I've got and object - board which is parent to 9 tiles. I don't know if it's the right way, but each tile has a sprite array which changes upon mouse click(blank, cross, circle). I saw unity tutorials made on canvas, but I couldn't share this canvas on the network anyways...
I managed to change parameters of the board and they are visible on both clients. I used RPC for it. I guess thats the way? But when i change the sprites of tiles locally, they don't show up remotely for another player.

1)Do I need another nine photon views attached to all of the tiles and use RPC to make it work ? And how to call an rpc method of another object ?

2)Does every object, which we want to see updated by players on the network, need to have this photon view and be located in resource folder?

3)Besides. If my sprite change method on mouse click is not that stupid, then i guess there's a simpler win condition check way than multiple ifs in update method? Couldn't make it work another way.

[SerializeField] private GameObject[] goList; // into this array i drag and drop every tile children

if (goList[0].GetComponent().sprite.name == "1" && goList[1].GetComponent().sprite.name == "1" && goList[2].GetComponent().sprite.name == "1")
//to do
If it's not the place for question 3. You can just ignore it.