Getting errors on an empty scene with the hidden "PhotonMono" object

I have a completely empty scene in my project (literally 0 game objects) and if i press play sometimes i get an error: "Some objects were not cleaned up when closing the scene. (Did you spawn new GameObjects from OnDestroy?)"

I temporarily updated my project to Unity 2018.2 and now the error was:
"Some objects were not cleaned up when closing the scene. (Did you spawn new GameObjects from OnDestroy?)
The following scene GameObjects were found:

And noticed the static PhotonNetwork class constructor is creating this object, and the times i get the error the object is not created at all.

Im guessing theres a race condition between the generation of the "PhotonMono" object and the scene cleanup unity does when pressing Play on editor.

Im gonna transfer the part the PhotonNetwork constructor creates the game object to an external method called Init and call this in my scene, but i wanted to be sure i wasnt doing something wrong, since this seems like something that would happen a lot to people.