Rigid body networking of a non player controlled ball

Hi all. I need some advice.
I have a prototype of a pong / rocket league type game. Basically 2 players control their balls to hit another ball into the opponents goal.

It uses the unity rigid body component and is very fast paced.

1) could someone point me to a good example of how to handle fast paced physics objects syncing (player controlled).

2) are there any good resources on networking non player controlled physics objects?

Thanks for any advice :)


  • Tobias
    Concurrent interaction on a networked physical object is one of the more demanding topics.
    I could recommend Quantum for this but that's not a solution for a hobby project.
    Neither PUN not Bolt support this out of the box, so you'd have to come up with your own implementation for the interaction and movement sync.

    Do you know https://gafferongames.com ? There are several very good, very in-detail posts about physics via the network. I would consider this background knowledge to approach this topic.