Errors during import

I want to add the PUN package, but after adding I receive 19 errors:

Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Demos/DemoAsteroids/Scripts/Game/AsteroidsGameManager.cs(128,30): error CS0115: `Photon.Pun.Demo.Asteroids.AsteroidsGameManager.OnMasterClientSwitched(Player)' is marked as an override but no suitable method found to override

Assets/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Demos/DemoAsteroids/Scripts/Game/AsteroidsGameManager.cs(136,30): error CS0115: `Photon.Pun.Demo.Asteroids.AsteroidsGameManager.OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player)' is marked as an override but no suitable method found to override


Initially i tried only photon chat, but also that one gave me errors.
I tried adding the package to an empty project and all works great, but I need to add to my existing project. Anyone knows a solution for this?

thanks in advance


  • Tobias
    I think I saw your post somewhere else before and replied.
    Maybe you could add the link to that place here?
  • engineroom
    Tobias said:

    I think I saw your post somewhere else before and replied.
    Maybe you could add the link to that place here?

    Yes I aksed the question in a comment on an answer (...) (and that answer was 'import in empty project´) and can't find the post anymore, sorry! Anyway after many bumps in the road, removing most demo scenes and eventually upgrading Unity I got things to work, so I guess it's solved..

  • Tobias
    I'm sorry for the hassle.
    I assume that the import or update failed somehow, so that some class wasn't up to date in the project. It's very annoying but happens sometimes. This is why we suggest a clean import in such cases.

    Glad to read it's resolved, however!