How to use CountdownTimer.cs script from pun2 demo

As the title states, I am aware of the script. I am using this to create room,
RoomOptions roomOps = new RoomOptions() { IsVisible = true, IsOpen = true, MaxPlayers = 2 };
        PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom("room" + randomRoomName, roomOps);
Can anyone help, how can I use the countdowntime script so that I can sync the finishedloadingscreen across the network. Thanks.


  • Tobias
    To be able to sync the loading progress over the network, everyone has to dispatch/execute incoming updates. This is typically turned off.
    The reason is: When one player is fast with loading, he may use the scene's (networked) objects to act/communicate something to the others, who maybe didn't load the object yet.
    What you could do is to communicate who's done loading. Any player who's also done, may see that and know who's still loading. This is really simple and can be done with Custom Properties: