ALT + F4 cause disconection

I am trying to prevent user from quiting the match but photon dont let me...
When i press alt + f4 photon disconect the user


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Kirchesch,

    Alt+F4 will close the process.
    The photon client will not communicate with the server.
    The server will disconnect it.

    Why do you want to keep the user connected even if the application is closed?

    If you want to keep the actor inside a room so it can rejoin later, use PlayerTTL and RejoinRoom.
    But if the room becomes empty it will be destroyed on the server.
    You can optionally save and load room states if you want.
  • Kirchesch
    edited March 2019
    I fixed the issue thanks, btw
    The application don't actually close when I press Alt + F4, I send a message to the user so he can confirm if he really want to quit.
    Since you are here, can you help me real quick, is there a way to turn on offline mode while inside an empty room? (Like start game playing alone and it disconnect from Photon and be only locally)